My Home Workout Essentials

Carolyn Burt Fabletics.jpeg

This past month has brought a good amount of change, adjustment, and finding a new normal. For me this means no longer being able to go to the gym and relying on my at home workout equipment. Luckily I already own a fair amount of basic essentials that have really come in handy during this time. 

Below is a list of what I’ve been using. Feel free to use this as a guide if you’re looking for inspiration for what to get during this time to stay active or if you just want a better idea of at home gym equipment that you don’t need a whole room dedicated to. I’ve linked the items to the ones I own but provided a description to help you find similar ones as they might be sold out due to people stocking up on their gym gear.


I got this yoga mat from Amazon as one of part of their basics line. I highly recommend getting the ½ inch size. I used to own a thinner one which I thought was fine until I took it to a pilates class and realized there was not enough cushion to provide support. 

I use this everyday to do both my stretches and workouts on. It makes it much more comfortable than lying down on the floor or carpet.


As part of my stretches I always foam roll my back and calves. I carry a lot of tension in my back when I’m stressed, so this has been really helpful. I have this in the 36 inch length which I find much more ideal for stretching out my back.


I got these on the recommendation of my trainer to help with glute exercises. They are really useful in getting in a better workout, and amplifying movements you already do. My favorite is using them around my ankles as I do leg lifts for 30 seconds on each leg. These ones come in a set of 5 with different levels for each band.


I got these 5 lb dumbbells from Target when they were on clearance. There’s plenty of exercises that you can use lighter weights for, lateral raises, power jacks, or just holding them up while you do a sit up. Most dumbbells above 5 lbs seem to be sold out everywhere so if you’re looking for something heavier I’d recommend setting up to be notified when they’re back in stock. 


I got this 5lb Weight Plate to hold on to when I do crunches or Russian Twists. It helps provide a little more strength value to these workouts.


You will either need to go outside or have a high ceiling in order to use this but its a great way to get in some cardio and get your heart rate pumping. I used to love to jump rope with my friends during recess in elementary school and am determined to get my rhythm back.


This helps with back support as well. It’s been nice to lie back on to help stretch my back. I’ll also use it to lie back on to do sit ups or weight presses.


Finally I wanted to share two items that are not “gym equipment” but I use everyday with my workouts. First the 32 oz Hydro Flask with the Straw Lid. I also have the bottom “boot” which prevents it from getting damaged or making loud noises when you place it down. The other item I want to share is the Mila Sports Bra from Fabletics. I already loved this sports bra for its comfort and support level but it has really come in handy recently because of the phone pouch on the back. I use this when I go on running so it don’t feel the need to lift up my pants, it’s a huge relief.

I hope these recommendations were of use and helped provide guidance for equipment you can get to help you stay active while at home, without breaking your bank.

Sincerely Carolyn.jpg