Ways to Make Summer Feel Like Summer

This summer has been far from what I pictured it to be, but there’s still ways to make the most of it. Below are some suggestions I’ve compiled that have made it feel a little more normal, despite the weirdness when I remember I’m wearing a mask and keeping social distance.

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15 Things Everyone in Los Angeles Should Try At Least Once

Los Angeles is a city full of tourist attractions, most of which those who live in Los Angeles never bother with unless entertaining friends who are visiting. It’s similar to that of a New Yorker and their relationship with Times Square or if you asked someone who lives in San Francisco how often they find themselves walking across the Golden Gate Bridge. There are simply things in big cities that people from across the world fly out just to do, but someone who’s lived there for years has never even experienced.

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Some Habits I've Kept with Me Since London

Incase you didn’t know, because as if I don’t talk about it enough, this summer I moved to London for a month to take part in a Study Abroad program. It was easily one of the best decisions I’ve made. While there, I adopted some new habits that I’ve been able to keep with me since I came home that I thought I’d share with you.

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Summer 2017 Playlist

I don't know about you, but for me when it comes to my music and organizing it into playlist I tend to do them by month or season based off of artists latest singles or just hearing songs for the first time and becoming obsessed. Being a visual person, I've recently started Bullet Journaling and have been trying to have it be a mix of both my planner as well as a visual diary of each month, things I tried, movies I enjoyed, food I became obsessed with, etc. So with that I decided to create a page dedicated to my summer playlist. Being a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my Bullet Journal, I wanted to make it look as visually pleasing as possible and I think it turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. So because of that I thought it would be fun to share it with you all, as well as give you all a little insight to my music taste (It's generic Pop and Musicals, no surprises there). Anyways, below is the image as well as a link to the playlist on Youtube. Enjoy!

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London iPhone Wallpapers

I think it's interesting how a person's lockscreen or wallpaper for their phone can say a lot about them. They're kind of like a modern locket. For me, my lockscreen for the past 3 years has been a screenshot of the comment Taylor Swift left on my instagram. My homescreen has had some changes. For a while it was a rotation of photos of myself and friends, then I got into the Pinterest craze of finding a cute backdrop to feel "inspired", and then before I left for London it was a rainy window looking at Big Ben as it was something to look forward to. While I was living in London I was constantly taking photos of the scenery around me. I ended up with a lot of photos and wanted to return the favor of sharing some ready to go Wallpapers for anyone who wants them.

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